
Agenda Item 70


Subject:                    Solidarity with our communities against hate


Date of meeting:    14 December 2023


Proposer:                 Councillor Goldsmith                                                       

Seconder:                Councillor Hill


Ward(s) affected:   All



Green Notice of Motion




That this councilnotes:


1)    Brighton and Hove’s status as a City of Sanctuary for all those fleeing persecution, conflict, hatred, and discrimination.


2)    Brighton and Hove’s longstanding, cross-party commitment to stand against hatred in all its forms.


3)    The concerns raised with us by residents: Jewish, Muslim, people of all faiths and none, in regard to the loss of human life in Israel and in Palestine, and the need to offer support to all residents affected by events.


Therefore, resolves to:


4)    Unequivocally condemn antisemitism and Islamophobia and to reaffirm our position that hate will not be tolerated in Brighton and Hove; further, to reaffirm our status as a City of Sanctuary.

5)    Request that the council’s communications department considers publicising our stance against hatred and the contact details of organisations who can assist with the reporting of a hate crime, in liaison with the city’s One Voice and Interfaith partners;

6)    Request that the Chief Executive write to the Foreign Secretary urging the instigation of a refugee scheme designed to provide safe routes for all those fleeing violence in Israel and in Palestine, and to call on the government to support the release of all hostages, and to join urgent calls for a permanent ceasefire to prevent more loss of life.